Marc Sim

Marc is a Senior Research Fellow in the Nutrition & Health Innovation Research Institute and is the Deputy Lead for the Disorders of Mineralisation Research Group at Edith Cowan University. He is supported by Fellowships from the Royal Perth Hospital Research Foundation as well as the Future Health & Innovation Fund, Department of Health (WA).

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Marc Sim

Marc co-leads the Discovery & Excellence Theme at NHIRI and is the Deputy Lead for the Disorders of Mineralisation Research Group at ECU. He currently holds Fellowships from the Royal Perth Hospital Research Foundation as well as the Future Health & Innovation Fund, Department of Health (WA). Marc’s research program examines the role of nutrition, exercise & its impact on human performance & disease progression, specifically musculoskeletal function/structure; key risk factors for osteoporosis, sarcopenia, falling & fracture in older populations.

View Marc’s research projects & publications on his ECU profile